
The Society was founded in 1992 to organize meetings at which members could taste and learn about a wide range of wines presented by knowledgeable wine merchants and educators, to increase their knowledge of the wine making process and to widen their horizons of the wines available which match their palates and preferences as well as their budget. We are a relaxed and friendly group who learn from each other and we welcome casual wine drinkers as well as committed connoisseurs. 

We have had a variety of topics such as Spain vs. Portugal, unusual varietal wines, wines selected from particular regions, wines related to rivers and occasionally we have a visit from a producer, to name just a few.?

The Society meets bi-monthly, starting January, on the second Friday of the month at 19:30. The usual venue is The Ferry Lane Social Club, King Street, King's Lynn. Our room can comfortably seat 35 members. Six to eight wines are presented at the meetings, usually in a themed fashion. Their production and characteristics are discussed. Biscuits and cheese accompany the tastings. There is often the possibility of ordering the wines presented at a discount. There are 6 meetings a year. 4 tutored tastings, the annual dinner during which wines are presented and the Annual General Meeting following which members enjoy snacks, a variety of wines and a quiz for which there are prizes!?

The Society is run by a committee elected at the AGM. The subscription is currently £20 and the charges for the tutored tastings, at which guest are welcome, are from £15. The Society is a non-profit making organization and any surplus is used to subsidize the annual dinner which usually costs about £40 per member, with a surcharge for guests.

Our aim is essentially to make that visit to the wine merchant or supermarket aisle a more challenging, interesting and hopefully informed experience. If you feel tempted to join or to come to a taster meeting please email me and I can give you further information. If you know one of our members come along as a guest. You will be most welcome!?